Distances from Rukungiri

Distances from Rukungiri to the largest cities and places in Uganda. Have a closer look at the distances from Rukungiri to the largest places in Uganda.

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1 - 50 of 80 places
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Distances from Rukungiri to the largest places in Uganda
Kampala Kampala1.1,353,189321 km 199 mishow
Gulu Gulu2.146,858481 km 299 mishow
Lira Lira3.119,323476 km 296 mishow
Mbarara Mbarara4.97,50083 km 52 mishow
Jinja Jinja5.93,061390 km 242 mishow
Bwizibwera Bwizibwera6.79,15781 km 51 mishow
Mbale Mbale7.76,493518 km 322 mishow
Apac Apac8.67,700427 km 265 mishow
Mukono Mukono9.67,290340 km 211 mishow
Kasese Kasese10.67,269115 km 72 mishow
Masaka Masaka11.65,373207 km 129 mishow
Entebbe Entebbe12.62,969300 km 186 mishow
Njeru Njeru13.61,952388 km 241 mishow
Kitgum Kitgum14.56,891564 km 350 mishow
Soroti Soroti15.56,400498 km 309 mishow
Arua Arua16.55,585443 km 275 mishow
Iganga Iganga17.45,024425 km 264 mishow
Kabale Kabale18.43,50046 km 28 mishow
Busia Busia19.43,200485 km 301 mishow
Fort Portal Fort Portal20.42,670171 km 107 mishow
Mityana Mityana21.41,131271 km 168 mishow
Tororo Tororo22.40,400502 km 312 mishow
Hoima Hoima23.39,625298 km 185 mishow
Lugazi Lugazi24.35,036360 km 224 mishow
Masindi Masindi25.31,486343 km 213 mishow
Ibanda Ibanda26.31,000100 km 62 mishow
Pallisa Pallisa27.30,745474 km 295 mishow
Nyachera Nyachera28.30,50953 km 33 mishow
Nebbi Nebbi29.30,354391 km 243 mishow
Adjumani Adjumani30.28,700513 km 319 mishow
Paidha Paidha31.28,348381 km 237 mishow
Luwero Luwero32.28,338339 km 211 mishow
Wobulenzi Wobulenzi33.24,415335 km 208 mishow
Yumbe Yumbe34.24,300501 km 311 mishow
Namasuba Namasuba35.22,507324 km 202 mishow
Bugiri Bugiri36.22,500451 km 280 mishow
Kayunga Kayunga37.21,704370 km 230 mishow
Wakiso Wakiso38.20,530313 km 194 mishow
Mubende Mubende39.18,936225 km 140 mishow
Moyo Moyo40.18,800539 km 335 mishow
Kotido Kotido41.18,800631 km 392 mishow
Kyenjojo Kyenjojo42.18,600181 km 112 mishow
Kireka Kireka43.17,947329 km 205 mishow
Kamwenge Kamwenge44.17,169128 km 79 mishow
Bundibugyo Bundibugyo45.16,919173 km 108 mishow
Ntungamo Ntungamo46.16,91533 km 20 mishow
Busembatia Busembatia47.15,889448 km 278 mishow
Ntungamo Ntungamo48.15,30036 km 22 mishow
Buwenge Buwenge49.15,130396 km 246 mishow
Kanungu Kanungu50.14,60021 km 13 mishow

1 - 50 of 80 places
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